Blog - Dell Support Australia

We are offering technical assistance to all Dell User in Australia. Call at Dell Support number for +61-283173572.

How to troubleshoot the Dell laptop screen error?

Plenty of times Dell laptop has encountered to the screen error. There are so many things that bring out the glitches in your device. If your Dell laptop’s screen is flickering, showing you fuzzy or blurry images, plain white screen or mak…

Remove your Dell laptop’s hard drive in easy steps

As we all know, that a hard drive is one of the most vital parts of a computer and a laptop as well. This is a drive that is installed in your computer’s CPU and inside your laptop which stores all the data. There are times when want to re…

What To Do When Dell Laptop’s Motherboard Is Not Working?

Motherboard is the important part of the laptop which consists of complex pattern of circuits. If somehow, it stops working then other hardware parts also stops responding there result of which could be freezing of the laptop. To rectify t…

Is it possible to resolve the freezing issues on Dell laptop?

No matter how strong your exterior is, it is the software issue which directly triggers the working of Dell laptops. One such error is the frozen laptop where your software is not responding to the commands. To this end, Dell Laptop suppor…

What is the best way for defragmenting a Dell laptop?

The process to defragment is a crucial task which restores the scattered or disorganized data for the improvement of performance. The hard disk fragments when you erase, create or save files from one location to another. If you fragment th…

How to make my Dell laptop faster?

If your Dell laptop is frequently freezing, hanging and bumping into technical problems, then it can put a negative effect on the productivity of your business. So it is vital to take the necessarysteps to troubleshoot the problems in orde…

My Dell Laptop Keeps On Restarting Itself

Dell laptops are very good in their performance, however, problems do occur sometimes and you need proper solution to it. If you are getting a problem of restarting of the laptop then follow these instructions: Diagnosis Press F 12 button …